06 Sep 2017
by Zhenke Wu
  • instructor
  • guest lecturer
    • 2016 Visualization for Individualized Health (ggplot2 lecture) [Slides][R code][RMarkdown]
    • 2016 Methods in Biostatistics (140.653; Lecture 8) [Slides (with Corrections and Answers)] [.tex]
    • 2015 A Survey of Automatic Bayesian Software and Why You Should Care. Hopkins Biostatistics Student Computing Club. [Slides]
    • 2015 Exploring the Posterior Distribution by Markov chain Monte Carlo. Hopkins Biostatistics Student Computing Club. [R Code]

    • 2014 Introduction to Empirical Processes and Semiparametric Inference. SLAM Working Group.

    • 2012 A unified framework for high-dimensional analysis of M-estimators with decomposable regularizers. Advanced Special Topics, 140.840: Large-scale Inference, Prof. Han Liu

  • teaching assistant

    • 2014 Multilevel Statistical Models, Graduate, 140.656. Dr. Elizabeth Colantuoni.

    • 2014 Analysis of Longitudinal Data, Graduate, 140.655. Dr. Elizabeth Colantuoni

    • 2013 Biostatistics in Public Health, Undergraduate, 280.346, advanced. Prof. Scott Zeger.

    • 2013 Case-based Introduction to Biostatistics, www.coursera.org, Prof. Scott Zeger.

    • 2013 Bayesian Methods I-II, Graduate, 140.762-763, Prof. Gary Rosner.

    • 2012 Biostatistics in Public Health, Undergraduate, 280.346, advanced. Prof. Scott Zeger

    • 2011-12 Advanced Probability Theory I-II, Graduate, 550.620 - 621, Prof. James Fill.

    • 2010-11 Essentials of Probability and Statistical Inference I-IV, Graduate, 140.646-649. Profs. Michael Rosenblum and Charles Rohde.

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